Affordable and highest pass percentage amongst guidance institutes. An academy with human face being run by the only Ph.D in the country on Selection Process.
To help people achieve their desired goal in life through correct and comprehensive image profiling.
Vision without action is just a dream, An action without vision is a waste of time; It is the vision with action that leads you to success.
Lakshya India specializes in imparting training for SSB interviews for Army, Navy and Air Force Selection Boards for NDA, CDS, OTA, SSC, NA, AFCAT, JAG, TES, UES, TGC, Special Entry Scheme for Women, Army Candidates : (SCO), PC(SL), ACC, Navy Candidates: CW, SD, HET, Air Force Candidates: F(P), GDOC, Branch Commission and NCC C certificate candidates for all wing. We also offer coaching for NDA / CDS / OTA / AFCAT / CAPF(AC) and ACC Written examinations.
The Lakshya India has achieved an enviable and unbeatable record of success for imparting guidance for SSB Interviews. It is the Premier, Creative and the best Institution for Services Selection Board (SSB) Interviews for officer level entry into the Armed Forces of India (Army, Navy, and Air Force).

It imparts training in conduct of complete tests held at Services Selection Boards over a period of 5 days. Services Selection Board Test include Screening Tests, Psychological Tests, GTO outdoor and indoor Tasks and Conference Procedure. The Academy was established in 2013 by Colonel (Dr) JP Singh the first and only Ph D on the subject in the country and has over 25 years of experience in this field,has unbeatable track record for success. Besides military papers when in Armed Forces, he has written many articles in International Journals of repute including on Officer Like Qualities(OLQs) and Selection System of various armies of the World.
“A leader’s effect on any organisation can be compared to the effect of an electron entering an atom in the field of atomic physics. An electron with low energy will merely be absorbed without substantially changing the atom. But a high energy electron will explode or significantly change the atom. So, be a high energy leader”.
Lakshya India is an initiative that guides candidates to join the Indian Armed Forces. A dream envisioned and being executed by Colonel(Dr) J.P. Singh(Retd), the only doctorate in India in ‘Refining of Selection System for Officers of Indian Armed Forces’. He has written many international papers and national papers besides military papers on on Officer Like Qualities(OLQs) and Selection System of various armies of the World.

A leader’s effect on organisation can be compared to the effect of an electron entering an atom in the field of atomic physics. An electron with low energy will merely be absorbed without substantially changing the atom. But a high energy electron will explode or significantly change the atom. Similarly, a low energy leader will have a small effect on the organisation; a high energy leader on the other hand will profoundly affect the course of the organisation. So, be a high energy leader….
We at Lakshya India believe in selecting high energy leaders. Whereas for most men learning is a matter of preference, for an Army Officer, the obligation of learning and increasing his knowledge of the profession is a public duty. This non-profit initiative aims to counsel, prepare and assist those who want to serve India by joining the Armed Forces.
The Approach
The Lakshya India Team is focused on training, evaluation and feedback. This helps the candidates to understand their inherent strengths and weaknesses. A calibrated follow up programme , especially tailored by THE TEAM, assists the candidates to come up to the desired levels of selection. The teaching is inter-active, gradual and the candidates themselves feel the difference.
Winning Ethos
The will to win is in all of us but the manner of winning is more important for ethical living. We at the LAKSHYA INDIA strive to carry on with this legacy.
Most of us falter when we have to make a career choice. Over 90% of us do not even know what is our aim in life and just land up with a career which we may not relish but has to carry on with. Analyze yourself what your initial career choice was and where you have landed today. Career is not by chance. It should be by choice. We help such students in finding their AIM so that they are comfortable with themselves and with the society as a whole in India. Thus, the name Lakshya India. It was coined as an apt recognition of the Chairman’s outlook to force students to win – over themselves by removing cob –webs of uncertainty and succeed in life.
Institute with a difference
In pursuit of excellence, this institute is the brain – child of a team of trained assessors, headed by Chief Psychologist on the panel of Selection Board who is an alumnus of prestigious Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore and Defence Institute of Psychological Research, Delhi. The officers on the roll of the institute have been assessors at various Selection Centres / Boards and are institutions in themselves. The training at the institute focuses on overall development of personality of youth who aspire to do well in life. Its field of specialization includes Defence Selections, Aviation Hospitality, Personality Development, Career Counselling and Interviews for competitions held under the aegis of the Central Government(UPSC) , leading Management institutes like IIMs and the IITs.