1. Psychological Tests are held on the Day – 2 and include the following:

(a)  Thematic Apperception Test. Twelve pictures including one blank are  depicting a situation each except for blank slide. Candidates are asked to write a story around what led to the situation, what is going on and what would be the outcome. Each picture is shown for 30 seconds and candidates are asked to write story in 4 minutes. In the blank slide, they have to think a picture of their own choice and write a story around that.

(b)   Word Association Test.  In this test, a series of 60 words are shown to the candidates one after another for 15 seconds each. The candidate is required to write down the first thought or idea that comes to his mind in the form of a complete meaningful sentence.

(c)   Situation Reaction Test. This test consists of 60 routine life situations regarding day today activities. The situations are printed in a booklet and the candidate is asked to write his reactions by completing the sentences, as to how they would feel, think and act in these situations.

(d)  Self Description Test.  Candidates are asked to write down five separate paragraphs on each context about the opinion of his parents/guardian, friends, teachers/superiors, own opinion and qualities required to be improved in future.  

2.Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) . This test consists of writing story on pictures shown for a span of 30 sec and write the story in 4 minutes. In a similar fashion 12 clips are shown out of which 11 have picture and 12th one is blank (the story for this can be already made in advance). Always make margins for the story on the psychological test booklet and keep it in presentable form. The story should be POSITIVE, NOT Fantasy with Central character of a similar age and gender as that of the candidate. Central character should look for  a solution and not a cause for the problem. When no one in the picture seems to be the central character generate one and assume his presence. When view is clear and there is no blur in the picture write the story right away. Never imagine yourself as some women or an old person or anything else other than you yourself .Do not describe the picture. Story length must be 100-110 words. When all stories are seen at a glance the whole artwork should be JAM-PACK. Do not give awards to the central character, and give him an uncommon name. Never praise the character with direct adjectives like he was a “leader and a courageous man”, the quality should be seen from his action and deeds performed in the story. Do not please anyone in the story and it should be socially and morally acceptable. Divide the story in “introduction, a mature situation/problem, multiple solutions,  conclusion. The full duration of this task is about an hour including the briefing. 


Sample Pictures for TAT:

  1. Word Association Test (WAT)

In this test 60 words are flashed one by one at a time interval of 15 secs. In respect to the 15 (OLQ’s)*4=60. The candidate has to write a sentence on the word and the thought that instantly comes to his mind on seeing the word in the form of a complete meaningful sentence in the 15 secs  itself.

 Observational 30-35 (Best is to have 30 – 40 observational and balance out the rest with cliché, personal, blank, incomplete or directive sentences).

ALWAYS WRITE: Observational sentences, Cliches, Directive Sentences and Other Responces in a Balanced Manner (try not to leave a blank).

A good piece of work should contain:

Advice 10-15

Egoistic 5-10

Proverbs 5-10

Wrong facts and absurd NIL

Negations NIL

Observational 30-35 (Best is to have 30 – 40 observational and balance rest) .Make sentences which have a high level of mature thought, grammatically and semantically correct and may or may not form a part in the sentence. Only write the first observational mature thought that comes to your mind when you saw the word. This task is completed in 15 mins.

Examples of the Words:

  • Fear
  • Cheat
  • Differ
  • Duty
  • Desire
  • Mother
  • Kill
  • Beggar
  • Judge
  • Soldier
  • Jealous
  • Bluff
  • Attack
  • Fight
  • Error
  • Fool
  1. Situation Reaction Test (SRT)

This test contains 60 situations given in a booklet where 4 situations correspond to 1 OLQ. Make it appear in a presentable form and never skip any situation as if you were not able to respond to it. Explain your reaction in 2-3 sentences precisely. Give complete answer.  On an average 45-55 situations can be attempted giving an appropriate response to your situation reaction. 30 mins are assigned to this test.


1) His captain was injured before a crucial match, he was asked to lead the team? He. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2) He was on his way to home and suddenly it started raining heavily? He. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3) You are an officer posted at the border & suddenly shelling happens from the other side, you. . . . . . . . . . . . .

4) You are going through a jungle with your friends and ten yards from you, you see a tiger…………………………….

  1. Self-Description Test (SD)

The Self-Description Test is a test which resembles the character of the candidate as he/she thinks of himself/herself in the format as provided by the assessor. The format contains a descriptive passage by the candidate covering the points on how his Parents, Teachers and Friends think of him/her. He/She is also to answer his/her own opinion of himself/herself and qualities he/she would like to improve in future. This is to be written in five paragraphs in 15 minutes as follows:-

  1. Parents Opinion.
  2. Teachers Opinion.
  3. Friends Opinion.
  4. Own Opinion.
  5. Qualities Required to be Developed in the Future.



Listen to the briefing by the psychologist carefully as to what he/she wants in the content. Go according to his/her instructions. Write about yourself in five paragraphs  consisting of parents, teachers, friends, own opinion and your future plans and strategies to overcome your shortcomings in the near future. Include 1 or 2 positive and 1 or 2 negative points about yourself in each paragraph except the last one. Give solutions and remedies which you can achieve and not anything that is permanent and not correctable. This test is assigned for 15-20 mins.   

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