GROUP TESTING OFFICER (Basic and Confirmatory Tests)

(Basically group activity testing days)

  1. Group Discussion (GD)

It is an indoor group activity and assessed by a Group Testing Officer (GTO).
The GTO gives two topics out of which the first one has options and the second one is compulsory. In the first one, two current subjects are given to the candidates by the GTO from which one is to be chosen and that topic has to be discussed by the group for a span of 15-20 mins.

Always start early in the discussion after listening to some of the candidates and then put forward your own ORIGINAL point in the way that everyone revolves around your point and discusses it. If this is not possible then put up new contributions to the group. Can choose opposition if late entrant.

Speak to the point which you yourself feel justified for and can explain it completely to others even if you are the only one to be at that point. If the group does not take you in participation even then do not leave your point and never take another candidate’s point to elaborate and leave your own point. In the whole affair keep yourself cool and have a jolly face, do not abuse others and deny anyone’s thoughts. If you like someone’s thought, acclaim his/her thought and connect your points to his/her by some means. Keep giving new ideas after a proper thought over it and simultaneously listening to the group also. 

Speak to the point which you yourself feel justified for and can explain it completely toothers even if you are the only one to be at that point. If the group does not take you in participation even then do not leave your point and never take another candidates point to elaborate and leave your own point. In the whole affair keep yourself cool and have a jolly face, do not abuse others and deny anyone’s thoughts. If you like someone’s thought acclaim his thought and connect your points to his by some means. Keep giving new ideas after a proper thought over it and simultaneously listening to the group also

Assigned time duration- 20 mins for first topic and similar duration if second topic is given.Remain cheerful,give your point politely and don’t rebuke your colleagues.

  1. Group Planning Exercise (GPE)

This is also an indoor task where the group is given a situation which contains a set of problems and the candidates are required to solve the problems one by one by using the given resources and in a fashion to solve the most problematic condition first and the others in order of priority. Avoid Red Herrings!

On the briefing given by the GTO the candidate has to write his solutions on a sheet of paper. As this is the only part of written task for the GTO keep it very organized, clean, curious and interesting for the GTO to read. After this a discussion follows to chalk-out the most appropriate way to solve all problems in stipulated time. Always keep the time and distance factor in mind.. Divide your group and use resources like vehicle in which travelling, communication media as phones, lift on highway etc., to reach the destination. You can make reasonable assumptions. Do not make any amendments in the final group plan and be the one to give the group plan to the GTO. While writing your plan put them in points and a possible solution to each problem in stipulated time and not forgetting the distance factor. Be the centre of discussion and be fluent and dominating in this activity. Allotted time – GTO briefing – 10 mins,reading narrative – 5 mins, writing plan- 10 mins, discussion- 15-20 mins. Total – 40-45 mins. Remain JOLLY and PLEASANT overall and don’t get angry at anyone.

  1. Progressive Group Tasks (PGT)

This is the first outdoor task. Here a maximum of 4 continuous tasks are laid out in the increasing order of difficulty which are to be crossed by the whole group with the assistance of helping material such as planks, ropes, some bamboos and the load. The load  makes the job tough and to generate the feeling of responsibility amongst the candidates.

Every task has to be completed and the other one to be started only when the whole group along with the helping material have reached the end point of the previous task.
Always carry the helping material except the load and be the one to make and execute plans and solutions. Never dominate others ideas and if you feel that someone has a good plan and not getting executed then make it sure that it is done and do not sit idle without any remedies. Don’t shout or abuse others and do not let anyone do it to you even.
Listen to the GTO’s instructions carefully and do not violate any rule. Use colloquial terms instead of the actual terms for the helping materials like plank= phatta, balli=bamboo/danda,rope=rassi,load=dabba. Keep the rules in your mind and keep reminding it to your friends by using the colloquial terms and not the actual rule statement. Assigned time 40-45 mins.

Rule of Mobile Drum

Colour Rule

Group Rule

Rule of Infinity

Distance Rule

Rule of Rigidity

Don’t panic and keep SMILING.

  1. Group Obstacle Race (Snake Race)
    This is another outdoor task where the whole group has to compete against other groups for reaching the finish line in first position over a number of obstacles and an additional rope or snake(folded tent) which has to be held by each member while traveling from one obstacle to another and held by a minimum number on the obstacle as provided by the GTO. There will be six obstacles.
    Always try to have an initiative and hold the snake in front or last to guide the group. Try and give demo of whichever obstacle the GTO asks. Be the first one to cross any obstacle. In case of violation return to the  previous point where the infringement took place. This is also given by GTO in his briefing.
    Do it with full JOSH and listen to the briefing by the GTO carefully. Never abuse anyone and boost the morale of your group by saying all available jargons.

In any way don’t act dumb to any of the proceedings in any of the group tasks.
This activity is to test the ability of candidate in times of immense stress and his working capacity in time –bound situations. Keep your mind cool, body in full JOSH and go with the flow and with the group.
Duration is about 30 mins. Keep SMILING as this will be a bit de-stressing for your team-mates.

  1. Half Group Task (HGT)
    Another outdoor task similar to the Progressive Group Task but the group is divided into 2 halves and hence called so. Here also don’t loose ground and give chances to someone who was very inert in the above tasks to show your generosity. Be in full command and have knowledge of your task to a very fine perspective. The number of tasks maybe 1or 2-3. Make proper use of given resources and your knowledge and take concern of your team-mates. Ask them for suggestions but in a way to approve your own idea. Be creative and look for a venture where nobody is looking. Take care of speaking as this task is followed after Snake Race and your voice would have fully gone out of order by now.                                                                                                                                                               Duration 10-15 mins. Remain cheerful.
  2. Lecturette
    This is the last task of GTO 1 day and this is the most exhausting day.
    This task can be considered outdoor but is actually a sitting indoor task.
    The task means to delivering a small lecture on a topic to be selected from a chit on which 4 topics are written (topmost= most difficult, next two= difficult and easy, last= easiest), for a span of 3 mins. continuously and fluently preferably in ENGLISH.
    Choose any of the topics but advised to select 2 or 3 for convenience.

Give a brief introduction , actual cause and nature of topic selected, deep mature thought over its ascent over mankind, its +ve and -ve effects , a small example if possible to explain clearly your perceived thought.
While giving your lecture, report your topic to the GTO and then proceed. Look into the eyes of group members and not the GTO while giving lecturette. While preparing make sure you have taken the above points in consideration.
Make a prior preparation of one topic which you like in case that you cannot speak on any of the topics given then ask for permission from GTO to talk on your topic. Just before the actual task starts the GTO asks for a brief introduction of all candidates one by one in
the following format,

NAME :……………………………………………………………………………………………….
FATHER’S NAME :………………………………………………………………………………………………
FATHER’S OCCUPATION :………………………………………………………………………………………………
FAMILY BACKGROUND :…………………………….:……………………………………………………………….
SCHOOLING AND EDUCATION :……………………………….:………………………………………………….
CURRENTLY WHAT ARE YOU DOING :……….:……………………………………………………………….

Cover all these points in 45 secs and do not stumble anywhere, have a good profound fluent voice.
Look at your friends and do not make any hand gestures. Limited hand gestures can be made at the time of lecture but not many.
Don’t get tense and panic while delivering lecture instead keep a SMILING face.
Duration per candidate = 3 mins. Total about 30 -35 mins.


Three tasks as follows will be held :

  1.  Individual Obstacles

Ten obstacles to be completed in three minutes. First obstacle given one point, second two points and so on. The tenth obstacle is given 10 points to pass. Total marks to score is 55 marks. You can also repeat the obstacles after you have completed the course and will get additional marks.

The obstacles are

  1. Difficult jump. (Jump over a small slide from the opposite side.)
    2. Long jump. (jump across a 6 ft.* 3ft. drum.)
    3. Zig – Zag Balance(walk over a zig-zag balance and complete  and land properly.)
    4. High Screen jump( jump over a slide and over a screen placed on it and land properly.)
    5. Burmah bridge(walk across a structure of rope tied between two ends of post carefully. Climb from any side and climb down from other side.)
    6.Tarzan Swing ( While taking the leap fold your body and legs and leave the rope at the instant where you feel it would be accurate for you to jump and cross the line.)
    7. Monkey Jump (Climb on a big staircase structure and jump on the land safely.)
    8. Double Ditch 8ft.*4ft. and 4ft.*4ft..(cross the 1st ditch with the help of a rope and the second one with ease ,just by proper leg work..)
    9. Commando walk (walk from any side up and come down from the other, maintain balance..)
    10. Tiger’s  leap (walk up a podium, leap and catch hold of a rope hanging about 4′ away, count 1001,1002 and start coming down,
    don’t come rushing down , but do it step by step.).
    The best way of doing this is to follow this sequence: 10, 9, 8, 4, 6, 7, 1, 2, 5, 3.( if you are strong and physically fit) or  1, 2,  3. 4,10,6,7,8,9 and 5( if you are not strong and physically fit).

 Duration 3 mins per candidate, Total duration – 35-40 mins.


  1. Command Task (CT)

The command task is a task where every candidate is assigned a typical task according to his performance level and the degree of toughness depends on his prior performance and ability to communicate with the group.
Every candidate is called one by one and the GTO has a pep-talk with him about his ongoing current activities and future plans etc.This task is similar to the PGT obstacle but only one task is given here and the candidate has to guide his way out of the task to reach the other end.

The candidate is allowed to call 2 of his colleagues as his helpers in the task .
The task is explained by the GTO to the Commander and he is asked to proceed.

The first thing is to see what all is your helping material and where it can be placed.Give a short briefing.  First think about the solution (only one solution) and when sorted out GO for it. Meanwhile keep talking about your plan to your helpers and assign them some work, don’t keep them idle.
When the GTO allows you to move ahead, you and one helper move and keep on moving forward. Always make it sure that you, your helpers and helping material will get out the way you are about to follow. Do not violate any rules which have been listed above in the PGT. Single task, Duration: 10-15 mins.

  1. Final Group Task (FGT)
    This task is like PGT task four where the group again comes together to finish the tasks laid down serially and all the rules are applied here. Generally the GTO does not assess any major performance here except for some special cases. The rules are the same and the amount of efforts to be given should not be less since it is the last task for the day, just in case some candidates may have their interviews in the afternoon.  

Recommendations: For better GK understanding you can refer to Perspectives on Current Affairs by Sohan Lall

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