Bedding. Complete bedding as per season will be provided by the institute.

Dresses. The following items are required for the training capsules:-


(a)  Light Shirt       02

(b)  Dark Trousers – 02

(c)  White T Shirts -02

(d)  White Shorts – 02

 (e) Black/Brown Shoes – 01 pair

 (f) PT Shoes (White) -01 pair


 (a) White Salwar Kameez (Indian Wear) – 02 pairs

 (b) Shirt and Trousers – 02 pairs

 (b)  Black/Brown Shoes – 01 pair

 (c) PT Shoes (White) -01 pair

Note: In case SSB is near, a track suit may be brought by candidates. In winters, coat /sweater can be worn. Tie can be worn during the interview. 

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