One of the most prestigious and honourable profession in this world is of the Defence services.  Army being the backbone of  defence services it requires people with great mental and  physical  strength. The army people are specially trained to  compete everywhere. For this one has to be  physically fit.

Before you join one of the academy of  Indian armed forces you  have to go through multiple stage  assessment. Medical test is  the last obstacle in your way to the academy. Presently, the average  rejection rate on medical grounds is around 30% . Rejection is due to disability in you, which may  be permanent or temporary. Permanent disability are those which are incurable. Here disability  refer “NOT FIT ; NOT FIT MEDICALLY ON SCALE OF ARMED FORCES MEDICAL STANDARD”.   Temporary disability are those which are curable in short time & the process and it results in acceptable by armed forces medical board. Some temporary disability are over-weight, under-weight, knock-knee etc.


Aspirants are strongly advised that they ensure their medical fitness to avoid last minute rejection. Below are the desired medical standards expected from an officer of Indian armed forces with video and Color Blindness Check Photos for better understanding of the medical procedures.

Download links(Standards for the various armed forces):

President of the medical board will guide the candidates for Appeal/Review Medical Board procedures.  Candidates may seek the advice of President Special Medical Board for review/appeal in case they have been declared unfit.

Procedure of Appeal Medical Board

The Appeal Medical Board will be held at one of the following hospitals
  1. Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt.
  2. Command Hospital, Southern Command, Pune.
  3. Command Hospital, Eastern Command, Kolkata.
  4. Command Hospital, Central Command, Lucknow.
  5. Command Hospital, Western Command, Chandimandir.
  6. Command Hospital, Air Force, Bangalore.
  7. Command Hospital, Northern Command, C/o 56 APO.
  8. INHS, Ashvini, Mumbai.
The candidates will report for medical examination within the stipulated period i.e., 42 days from the date last examined by the Special Medical Board for re-examination along with the receipted copy of the MRO/TR as directed by the President Medical Board.  The Endeavour will be to complete the Medical Board in one day.

Review Medical Board

In case of candidate being declared unfit by the Appeal Medical Board, he/she may challenge the proceedings and may be granted review of medical proceedings based on the merit of the case.  Any candidate desiring for a review should address the request to Recruiting Directorate (Personnel & Coord), Army Headquarters, West Block III, RK Puram, New Delhi with a copy to the President of Appeal Medical Board within one day of the holding of Appeal Medical Board. The application for RMB are routed through DG AFMS. The decision for grant of RMB is with DG AFMS, and is not a matter of right. RMBs are conducted at R&R Hospital  Delhi Cantt and AFMC, Pune.

Stay During the Medical Examination

The recommended candidates after the declaration of SSB results will stay in the Selection Centres in the lines earmarked for the recommended candidates for their medical examination by the Military Hospital.  The candidates will be allotted fresh medical chest numbers for the purpose.
Candidates who go for Appeal Medical Board or have to get their medical examination done at a later date due to some unavoidable reasons will do so under their own arrangements.

Discipline during Medical Examination

It is utmost important that recommended candidates maintain proper discipline during their stay in Selection Centres during their conduct of medical examination.  The candidates are required to put on their medical Chest Number (with Red Cross) whenever they are present in the campus of Selection Centres.
  • Running : 2.4 KM in 15 minutes
  • Push ups: 13 Nos
  • Sit ups: 25 Nos
  • Chin ups:  6 Nos
  • Rope climbing: 3-4 metres
Candidates are advised to build themselves up by physical training, sports, running, swimming etc, so that they meet the training goals successfully.
Ideal Age, Height and Weight for Male:   It should be within permissible limits (+ or – 10%) of the ideal weight as per correlation table between age, height and average weight given below in recording fraction  lower than 0.5 kg will be noted and 0.5 kg above will be recorded as 1 kg:

Height and Weight Standards for Men:-

 Height in Cm
           Weight in KG (Age Range in Years)
Age 15-17
152 – 158
46 – 49
47 – 50
50 – 54
54 – 58
159 – 165
50 – 53
51 – 55
55 – 59
59 – 63
166 – 171
54 – 56
56 – 59
60 – 64
 63 – 66
172 – 178
57 – 60
59 – 63
64 – 69
67 – 71
179 – 183
 61 – 63
64 – 66
 69 – 72
72 – 74
184 – 185
67 – 68
73 – 74

Height and Weight Standards for Women

Height in Cm
Weight in KG (Age Range in Years)
Age 20-25
148 – 151
43 – 45
46 – 48
152 – 155
46 – 48
49 – 51
156 – 160
49 – 51
52 – 55
161 – 165
52 – 54
55 – 58
166 – 171
55 – 58
59 – 62
172 – 176
59 – 61
63 – 66
177 – 178
62 – 63
Note : A 10% variation on either side of average is acceptable

Medical Standards

  • The candidate should be free from wax (EARS), DNS, Hyrocele/Phimosis. Defective Colour Vision, LASIK Surgery, Over/Under Weight, Under Chest, Piles, Gynecomastia, Tonsillitis, Veri-Cocele And Aids.
  • You should be able to read 6/6 in a Distant Vision Chart
  • Colour Vision Standard should be CP-III
  • Minimum 14 Dental Points With Sound Teeth
Physical standards
Minimum Height
Minimum Weight
152 CM
42 KG
NDA & 10+2 TES
(Under Graduate
Entry Men)
(Graduate Entry Men)
152 CM
157 CM
43 KG
45 KG


Ques1. What are Dental Points?

Ques2. What are Knock Knees?

Ques3. What are Sweaty Palms?

Ques4. What is Flat Foot?

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